New Moon in Cancer (July 5, 2024)

Quick facts:

When is the New Moon in Cancer? July 5, 2024

Yin or Yang Phase? Yang Phase / Masculine / The energy for taking action and doing

Overall theme: New Beginnings

The new moon is an invitation to start over.

This is a time to let go of whatever is happening in your life, and set a clear intention for what you now want to manifest over the next month. Practice mindfulness, get into your body and feel into any deeper intuition that surfaces as to what is actually going on for you. Once you have this awareness, you can choose to let the old go, and from a clean and pure vessel, birth something new into your life.

The moon is transitioning into the astrological sign Cancer. This cardinal water sign is known for its nurturing, intuitive, and protective qualities. Working with this as the foundational energy for this moon cycle encourages you over the next 28 or so days to explore your emotions, prioritize self-care, and strengthen your connections with loved ones.

With these themes in mind, take the time to nurture your inner world and address any lingering feelings of insecurity or vulnerability. Work with intentions that focus on creating a safe and supportive environment for yourself and others, and embrace the opportunity to heal and grow through emotional honesty and compassion.

Empty your cup of all of your opinions—whether you think they are good or bad. This is the ideal mindset to keep for manifestation.

I invite you to set new moon goals for yourself that welcome in change to areas where you never felt you could be vulnerable. Work with the moon over this moon cycle to uncover what you may be repressing that now needs to come up to be expressed. In releasing this, you may find yourself developing a new level of freedom to be more yourself, and less controlled by the emotions governing your subconscious programs.

To set your new moon goals, slow down, get present, and strengthen your awareness around the aspects of your life that you would like to nurture and renew. Practice mindfulness, connect with your emotions, and tune into any deeper intuition that surfaces to understand what is truly happening for you. Once you have this awareness, you can choose to let go of the old, and from a place of emotional clarity and purity, birth something new into your life. Embrace this time to cultivate a sense of security and comfort, allowing your inner wisdom to guide your path forward.

Tips to set your New Moon manifestation intention:

  • Get clear on what you're creating, and limit yourself to 1-2 intentions to really focus on this month.

  • Write goals using positive, not negative, language. For example, instead of writing "I don't want to feel insecure anymore," write "I am cultivating confidence and self-acceptance."

  • If you work with the new moon theme (Cancer = Emotional Healing), you will be extra supported, but you can work on any goal you choose.

  • Always make your goals about your healing, not others.

  • Write your intention down and keep it somewhere handy to refer to throughout the cycle. I usually write my intention on a card and place it prominently on an altar where I can see it everyday.

Journaling prompts to guide your intention setting:

  1. What emotions have I been repressing, and how can I begin to express them healthily?

  2. In what areas of my life do I need to practice more self-care and self-compassion?

  3. How can I strengthen my emotional connections with those around me?

  4. Where do I need to set healthier emotional boundaries in my relationships?

  5. How can I cultivate a greater sense of inner peace and emotional stability?

Plan ahead for the upcoming moon cycle

Follow along this cycle as we journey through each phase of the moon, guiding you to support your manifestation and healing process.

Here’s a preview of what’s to come:

  • New Moon: Set your intention for this cycle (NOW)

  • Waxing Crescent: Plant seeds for how you want to achieve your goal

  • First Quarter: Start taking action towards your goal

  • Waxing Gibbous: Pause and develop patience

  • Full Moon: Celebrate your progress and release attachments

  • Waning Gibbous: Free yourself from limitations

  • Last Quarter: Transition into your new phase of growth

  • Waning Crescent: Reflect on wisdom gained, prepare for next cycle.


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